Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Adding Color To Our Life

Yesterday, we learned the importance and benefits of fruits and vegetables. We also learned that eating the rainbow didn't referred to the "Starburst" commercial but it referred to "Fruits & Vegetables." 
We also discovered that Indigenous people in South America used (and still use today) Acai Berry for energy, detox and antioxidant purposes. Today we will continue talking about the importance of fruits and how their color pigment carries Phytonutrients that benefits our body. 
Note: Phytonutrient is a substance found in certain plants which is believed to be beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases.

 Just like in Chinese herbalism, the shape of the food determines what organs is for. Dr. Akila explains on her web site how the shape of the food corresponds to different parts of our body. This concept is called "The Doctrine of Food."

If you'll like to check out her presentation please visit:

Also check out: 
for more information about the "Doctrine of Food."

However, today we will focus on the color pigment that fruits and vegetables have and how each color just like in Herbalism represents each body part.

The color pigment in fruits and vegetables provide the phytochemicals that our body needs. Therefore, eating colorful fruits and vegetables is the key to a healthy body and a healthy mind.

This is were the concept "Eating the Rainbow" comes into play. So let's get ready and take a look how "Rainbow" foods are beneficial to us.

Lets start with the color RED

The color red is not only the color of blood but in nature the color               comes from hemoglobin. (Hemoglobin is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein/pro in the red blood cell of all vertebrates). 

Hemoglobin (in the blood)
carries oxygen from the respiratory organs (lungs or gills) to the rest of our body and tissues. This oxygen provides energy and powers our metabolism. The color pigment is also rich in Phytochemicals like Licopene (found in tomatoes) and Anthocyanins known to improve the heart and also diminish the risk of cancer. 

Other benefits of red fruits and vegetables: 

  • prevents blood cloths
  • improves blood circulation
  • rich in antioxidants
  • reduces DNA damage

So when you go shopping at your local farmers market, health food store or supermarket try to buy red foods so you can get your antioxidants of the day to prevent DNA damage, and Cancer. 
Here are some examples of RED fruits and Vegetables: 


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

"We Are What We Eat"

Fruits & Vegetables are the real Rainbow!

We all heard the saying "You are what you Eat," but many of us don't realize that this powerful statement is actually true!"We are what we Eat," not only emphasizes what we consume but it also helps us understand why we perform the way we do.

For instance, if we feed our body heavily processed foods such as GMO's, animal fat, bleached flour, and refined sugars, our body begin to respond to those foods affecting the way we think, and our performances in school, work, and other daily activities. However, if we feed our body the opposite-high quality of organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, Superfoods and Superherbs, our body will respond to those foods by enhancing our daily activities. 
Healthier food choices are also associated to positive thinking, more energy, and a healthy mind and body.

For instance, if we feed our bodies nutrient dense/Rich/Living/Plant based foods, our mind begins to open up allowing positive thoughts and positive actions. However, if we feed our body the opposite foods such as processed, dead, chemical foods, our mind begins to think negatively influencing our actions. So just by introducing fruits and vegetables we allow positive thoughts and actionsinto our daily lives. 


Real Food are: 

  • Whole in their natural state.
  • Organically grown, made from the earth.
  • Single or simple ingredients list you can pronounce (for the exception of Quinoa which you pronounce "Kenn-wa."
  • Nutrient dense.
  • Contains 1000 of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and trace minerals. 
Processes Foods are: 
  • Refined food-altered of its natural state.
  • Made from refined ingredients, artificial colorsand  sweeteners.
  • Long list of ingredients that require a chemist or biologist to pronounce.
  • 0 Calories-Empty Calories 
  • Foods that contains preservatives, additives, and fillers.

So now that we learned how food affects our body, and the difference between real foods vs. processed foods, we can now make conscious decisions and choose healthier food choices. 

Every time you are at a grocery store, restaurant, or event ask yourself which path am I going to take?? The path on the left: "Processed foods" or the path on the right "Real Foods." 

An easy way to transition to a healthier life style is by  incorporating healthier food choices into our current diet. Sometimes it is not easy to completely eliminate all the unhealthy things that we consume on a daily basis. However, we can develop healthier eating habits by introducing more fruits and vegetables.
Our ancestors knew the importance of connecting with the earth and the creator by consuming foods that came from the earth without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Their diet consisted of fresh/organic/seasonal fruits and vegetables. Back in those days, a high variety of fruits and vegetables were highly available due to their rich soil, climate and demographics. Today, many of their original fruits and vegetables are not highly accessible in Super Markets and many have been hybridized (or crossed in order to become available). This doesn't mean that we don't have access to great varieties of fruits and vegetables.

 One of the best places to find different varieties of high quality/heirloom fruits and vegetables is at your local Farmers Market. Supporting Farmers markets not only provides jobs to local farmers but you can also find high quality of fruits and vegetables without the harmful chemicals used in conventional super markets.
Note: Check your local area to see the days/time of your local Farmers Market. One of the closes Farmers Markets available in my area is the Claremont Farmers Market which goes on every Sunday from 8am-1pm

Now lets start with the basics: 


 "Eating The Rainbow"

We all heard the term "Eat the Rainbow"
advertised on TV: in "Starburst" commercial. However, Starburst got it all wrong! Eating the rainbow should be referred to colorful foods that are naturally grown from the earth, without the use of artificial sugar, food coloring pesticides, herbicides and synthetic ingredients. 
These foods are also known as Fruits and Vegetables. 
Fruits and Vegetables are known to be one of the most powerful foods on the planet along with Superfoods and Superherbs (which I would be introducing them later). 

So why is it important to consume fruits and vegetables? The answer is that fruits and vegetables are higher in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect us from chronic illnesses and diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables can also protect us from free radicals, allergies and skin disorders due to their phytonutrients and colorful pigment. 

Fun Fact: Teachers: Fruits and vegetables are also a great source of antioxidants which can boost our metabolism and can strengthen our immune system. This meas the more fruit we eat, the less sick we get and you all know that when the season changes most students get sick, which : Teachers getting sick!

Eating the rainbow begins by introducing fruits and vegetables. Lets take a look at the Fruits first and their benefits.

Benefits of Fruits:
  • Low in fat and sodium
  • High in antioxidants (An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells).
  • High in fiber
  • Great source of energy (fruits contain Glucose/Natural Sugars which are very important energy source to cells and organs).
  • Reduce risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. 
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improves sight
  • Improves digestion (Pineapple, papaya)
  • Rich source of vitamin C
  • Lowers cholesterol 
here are more reason to eat fruits! 

  • For more information of the benefits of fruits please visit:
Note:One of the best times to consume Fruits is during the day time/breakfast. Also before or after a workout along with plant based protein! 

Q: Many of my teachers friends ask what do you eat for breakfast? 
A: One of my all time favorite breakfasts are fruit smoothies. 

Fruit smoothies are great for breakfast as they provide good source of antioxidants and energy!!! And you all know how much we need it as teacher! One of my all time favorite smoothies is the Acai

So what is Acai???

Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is a small, reddish-purple berry harvested from tall, slender palm trees found around the Amazon River basin of South America. Indigenous people in the Amazon consumed Acai berry on the daily basis due to its medicinal properties. Before colonialism, the rain-forest had an abundance of exotic fruits known to have medicinal properties and were highly consumed by indigenous tribes. The majority of indigenous tribes diet cqonsisted of a variety of fruits and vegetables and meat when available. Today, our diet has shifted and we are now consuming less fruits and vegetables and more animal products. In order to eat just like our ancestors did, we need to incorporate different varieties of superfruits like the Acai Berry. 

We are so fortunate that Acai berry is highty available

 in America and all over the world. 

Some of the benefits of this powerful berry are: 
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Fights Cancer
  • Provides healthy heart
  • Aids weight loss 
  • Improves digestion
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease
  • Detoxifies the body
  • High in Antioxidants
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves sex drive
  • Improves mental function
  • Boost immune system and energy

    For more information of the benefits of Acai please visit:

Acai berry is not only delicious but it also provides many benefits to our body. Here's one of my favorite recipes: 
Basic Acai smoothie: 

  • 1 pack of Unsweeened Organic Acai (Sambazon or True Roots, available at Sprouts Market, whole foods, Vons, Cosco and Grocery Outlet). 

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup of organic blueberries and strawberries
  • (note: you can also add other fruits such as mango, pineapple, cherries, blackberries, or mixed berries-be creative, you can always switch different fruits each day) 
  • 1/4-1/2 cup of organic apple juice, spring water or non-dairy milk (such as almond milk, rice or coconut milk) 
  • Ice
  • 2-3 dates depending of how sweet you want it (If you can't find dates you can use organic agave nectar, honey if you like or coconut sugar). 
  • Add all the ingredients into a high speed blender , food processor, Nutri Bullet or regular blender and blend. 
  • Once blended poured into mason jar, smoothie jar or cup. 
  • Optional: You can top your smoothie with organic granola and fresh fruit on top.


Back to our Roots

Ever since the domestication of animals, mass production of food and GMO's (Genetically Modified Foods) our health has declined tremendously. The disconnection between the animals and nature has affected our relationship with the earth and the environment. Throughout the years, the mass production of food has increased and taken over the entire earth by storm. The manufacturing of GMO foods, clothing, machinery and petroleum based products are now connected to many health problems leading to the destruction of our natural resources.

This serious incident was first introduced to the Americas after the colonization of numerous indigenous tribes. Indigenous tribes diet consisted of wild foods such as super foods, heirloom fruits and vegetables, some wild meats, seeds, herbs and the notorious maize. These foods were staples of different tribes and were also known to be powerful. However, everything changed when Europeans introduced foods such as bread, flour, sugar, and domesticated animals, changing the dynamics of food forever. Post colonialism also introduced the idea of a "Corporate America," and the introduction of harmful practices such as pesticides and insecticides. 
Today, we are now seen the negative effects of colonization and how the "SAD" diet (Standard American Diet) is affecting our people and our future generation. Sadly, the "SAD" diet is considered to be the ideal diet in the United States and now spreading around the world. This diet promotes excessive amounts of animal products, processed foods, food coloring, GMO foods, and Fast Foods. 

Studies has shown that eating excessive animal products, and processed foods can be detrimental to the body leading to harmful diseases. Diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid problems, obesity and cancer are associated with bad eating habits.

Many people argue that heavily processed foods are convenient and not all of them are bad however, processed food are usually higher in sodium, fat and sugar content causing allergies, digestive issues and weight gain.

In this blog, I will be sharing recipes, and ways of how we can decolonize our diet from the "SAD" diet. I will also share easy techniques of how we can transition to a more wholesome, organic, plant based diet. Stay tune for more recipes, tips, and interesting facts about food and culture. 

 Food provides energy and life, we need energy to grow and to be healthy. By choosing the right foods we can achieve optimum health and happiness.